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The Enlightenment out of balance

Madrid, London, Paris ... and our own capital, March 22 2016 - the attacks in the heart of Belgium and Europe. The security is armed and we will claim for the first time again on "values" in a long time, in the tradition of the Enlightenment and 'modernity'. Few appoint the principles of the great enlightened thinkers and the significance they have today for modern societies: the importance of democracy and rule of law, universal rights and duties.

The debate sometimes seems adrift. Yet it is the foundations of a modern democracy that rests on legally ordained authority departs from the rights and freedoms of its citizens and accountability of authorities. With plenty of room for the fundamental freedom of opinion and religion, but also limitations. Now we are no longer a homogeneous society, living together becomes a test. We forgot to work on citizenship as an attitude. This book brings together essays by diverse contemporary publicists and beyond the rhetoric. It indicates the basic principles of our society again and show the added value for the society and for the citizens. For all citizens - without distinction.

Also available in French.